
Policy & Advocacy

  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Aboriginal Housing Northern Territory (AHNT)

    We provide services and resources to members to support their transition to registration as a community housing provider (CHP), and encourage more Aboriginal organisations to join us.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory

    The peak body for Aboriginal community-controlled health services in the Northern Territory. AMSANT works with the Government and communities to provide effective Aboriginal medical services and lobbies Government for positive changes that help to improve the health of Aboriginal people.

    The service advocates for equality in health focusing on supporting the provision of high-quality comprehensive primary health-care services for Aboriginal communities. AMSANT also provides representation on committees, forums, conferences, meetings, inquiries, commissions and seminars relating to Aboriginal health.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory (APO NT)

    The Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory—APO NT—is an alliance comprising the Aboriginal Medical Service Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT), North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA), Central Land Council (CLC), Northern Land Council (NLC), Tiwi Land Council (TLC), Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC), Aboriginal Housing NT (AHNT) and the Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network (NT IBN).

    The alliance was created to provide a more effective response to key issues of joint interest and concern affecting Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, including providing practical policy solutions to government.

    APO NT is committed to increasing Aboriginal involvement in policy development and implementation, and to expanding opportunities for Aboriginal community control.

    APO NT seeks to strengthen networks between peak and regional Aboriginal organisations and smaller locally-based organisations in the Northern Territory.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Anglicare NT – Communities for Children

    Communities for Children (C4C) works with Community Partners,families and key stakeholders to improve outcomes for children and families experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage. As Facilitating Partner for the East Arnhem and Alice Springs regions,Anglicare NT supports local community and regional initiatives and collaborative approaches focused on cross sector cooperation,resource sharing and building child friendly communities. Community Partners are funded to deliver and / or develop evidence based activities to address service gaps and strenghten families.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Anglicare NT – Partnership Support Service

    The Partnership Support Service is a business unit of Anglicare NT. We support the capacity development, long-term independence and sustainability of Aboriginal organisations by sharing our pool of skills, resources and experience.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Anti-Discrimination Commission

    The Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission promotes equal opportunity for all Territorians.

    Established in 1993, we aim to eliminate discrimination from happening by raising awareness about individual’s rights and responsibilities under the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act 1992.

    The Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commissioner is Sally Sievers.

    The Commission has three main roles:

    1. Public education and training
      We provide public education and training through a set program as well as tailored training to organisations and individuals.
    2. Handling complaints
      We provide information about your rights and responsibilities under anti-discrimination law. We also accept, investigate and help resolve complaints of discrimination.
    3. Community engagement
      We attend public forums, meetings and organisations to hear and share information about rights and responsibilities under the Act.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC)

    The Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) is Central Australia’s peak environmental organisation defending the desert country for over 40 years. We campaign, advocate and support local people to take action for the protection of arid lands and people.

    We are a strong and trusted voice for Australia’s iconic desert country. We stand up and speak out for the protection of land and water, animals and plants, special places and the communities that depend on them.

    We work with partners across vast landscapes to deliver solutions to the ecological challenges we face. We understand the importance of knowledge, science, research, education and engaging the community on the issues that matter.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Association of Alcohol & Other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT)

    The Association of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies Northern Territory (AADANT) Incorporated is the peak body for Alcohol and Other Drugs treatment services in the Northern Territory.

    As an independent, membership-driven, not-for-profit association, we work with our members to support and strengthen Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) service delivery for people who experience harmful substance use in the Northern Territory.

    Our mission is to build and maintain a strong, sustainable and culturally diverse AOD sector that works together to reduce alcohol and drug-related related harm across the Northern Territory.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Australian Association of Social Workers (NT)

    The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) is the professional representative body of social workers in Australia.

    The Northern Territory Branch, with over 300 members, is supported by a voluntary Branch Management Committee elected by the Branch membership.

    The Branch’s key role is to provide local support for AASW members through a range of activities that enable members to network, develop practice skills and organise around social justice issues.



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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Australian Health Promotion Association NT Branch

    AHPA NT is your professional body when you work in the field of health promotion, and is a great place to network with other like-minded public health professionals.
    The NT Branch is the leading health promotion association in the NT, dedicated to advocacy in health, improving professional development, networking opportunities and communication between health promoters.
    Key priorities for the NT Branch include:

    • Advocacy – We are committed to advocacy at the local, or territory level on a range of health and related social issues. AHPA NT is a member of NT Council for Social Service (NTCOSS) and Multicultural Council for NT (MCNT).
    • Professional Development – We organise and collaborate with existing health professional bodies and support innovative ways to build capacity and the local workforce.
    • Scholarships – We provide financial support for NT Branch Members to access and attend professional development opportunities intra- and inter-state.
    • Communication – We co-facilitate ongoing networking opportunities for health promotion professionals in the NT.
    • Mentoring – We encourage early-career health professionals to be engaged and assisted through AHPA’s National Mentoring Program

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