

  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Aboriginal Carbon Environmental Services

    The Aboriginal Carbon Environmental Services company is an end to end, Aboriginal owned carbon farming service, that has the technical capacity to delivery any kind of carbon project for Aboriginal people, corporations and Native Title groups.

    What we offer is a clear and transparent process, an eagerness to share our learning’s and our point of difference and ensure all interest holders benefit from this growing market, resulting in strong social investment delivered back into the communities in which we operate.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Alice Springs Town Council

    Alice Springs Town Council (ASTC) provides and maintains a comprehensive range of environmental, humanitarian, recreational, cultural services and facilities.

    Alice Springs Town Council employs over 200 staff at its Civic Centre, Alice Springs Public Library, Alice Springs Aquatic & Leisure Cen­tre, Region­al Waste Management Facility and Works Depot.

    Services provided to the people of Alice springs include:

    • Aquatic & Leisure Centre Management
    • Public Library
    • Waste Collection & Recycling
    • Environmental Initiatives
    • Animal Management
    • Cemeteries Management
    • Roadworks
    • Parks, Reserves, Sporting Facilities & Playground Upkeep

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Animal Management in Rural & Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC)

    Working with People and Companion Animals in Remote Indigenous Communities.

    AMRRIC is a national not for profit organisation that uses a One Health approach to bring about integrated animal health, education and community development programs in Indigenous communities.

    Our One Health approach recognises the inextricable links between human, animal and environmental health and wellbeing. By working with remote Indigenous communities to improve the health of their companion animals we are helping to create healthier, safer and happier communities.

    We offer vet services and animal related education in rural and remote Indigenous Communities.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC)

    The Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) is Central Australia’s peak environmental organisation defending the desert country for over 40 years. We campaign, advocate and support local people to take action for the protection of arid lands and people.

    We are a strong and trusted voice for Australia’s iconic desert country. We stand up and speak out for the protection of land and water, animals and plants, special places and the communities that depend on them.

    We work with partners across vast landscapes to deliver solutions to the ecological challenges we face. We understand the importance of knowledge, science, research, education and engaging the community on the issues that matter.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Barkly Regional Council

    Barkly Regional Council delivers support and services to the culturally diverse communities of the Barkly region.

    Councils are responsible for the delivery of a broad and unique range of services to their communities, with different communities within the Barkly region having their own different priorities.

    The Community Services Directorate is responsible for delivering a range of community services to residents and communities across the Barkly region.

    The directorate includes:
    Aged Care
    Library Services
    Safe Houses
    Sport and Recreation (Barkly Youth)
    Swimming Pool

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation

    Bawinanga is a progressive Aboriginal corporation based in Maningrida. We represent and assist the 4000 Aboriginal people of the 32 homelands surrounding Maningrida in West Arnhem Land.

    Our work is carried out in the context of people’s traditional lands, cultural practices and languages. Our services include:

    • Housing, Homeland and Construction
    • Bawinanga Rangers
    • Maningrida Arts and Culture
    • Bábbarra Women’s Centre
    • Djómi Museum
    • Maningrida Wildfoods
    • Maningrida Nursery
    • Maningrida Mud Bricks
    • Barlmarrk Supermarket
    • Mechanical workshops
    • The Community Development Program (CDP)
    • Wild Foods Cafe
    • Community Patrol
    • Money Management
    • Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS)
    • Civil Works Program

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Central Desert Regional Council

    The Council delivers a range of Agency, Commercial and Other Council Services that contribute toward improving the level of services provided to their communities. The Council is faced with the challenge of delivering a broad range of services to a standard acceptable to the community whilst at the same time raising revenues required to deliver core services within the context of its community’s ability to support.

    The Central Desert Regional Council is responsible for:

    • Partnerships and Relationships
    • External Resources (Suppliers and Contractors)
    • Information Resources
    • Physical Resources
    • Human Resources
    • Financial Resources
    • Facilitating Local Education and Training

    And managing the following resources:

    • Ensuring Legislative Compliance
    • Providing Advice and Advocacy
    • Providing Corporate Governance
    • Delivering Core Services

    The Council operates under the Local Government Act (external link) and its regulations.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    City of Darwin

    City of Darwin governs essential community services such as waste management, domestic animal management, playgrounds, and recreational facilities, city libraries, and town planning. We work to build a community with second-to-none infrastructure and community services.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    City of Palmerston

    City of Palmerston governs essential community services such as waste management, domestic animal management, playgrounds, and recreational facilities, city libraries, and town planning. City of Palmerston id a place for people.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Crocodile Islands Rangers

    The Crocodile Islands Rangers (CIR) was established by Laurie Baymarrwaŋga (1917-2014), the senior Maringa Traditional Owner for the Malarra Clan. Her leadership and vision continues to inspire us as we focus on combining western practices with traditional caring for country knowledge and skills.

    The Crocodile Islands Rangers (CIR) were established by the Maringa clans. Maringa is a name we use to talk about the clans, families and ceremonies which belong to the islands. The language of Maringa country is Yan-nhaŋu, which is spoken by Bindararr, Ngurruwulu, Walamangu, Gamalangga, Malarra and Gurryindi (Gorryindi) people. Yan-nhaŋu language and rituals contain a wealth of cultural and biological knowledge, the reward of hundreds of generations of intimate coexistence with our environment. Maringa people and country are intimately connected to other people and countries across the region.

    The CIR Program aims to protect land and sea country including 1054km2 of registered sacred sites, and the breeding and nesting sites of numerous threatened or endangered species, these are all linked to the songs and ceremonies of this extraordinary living component of Australia’s national heritage.

    The Crocodile Islands Rangers (CIR) program is part of the Milingimbi Outstations Progress Resource Aboriginal Corporation(MOPRA). MOPRA’s role is to provide support to homelands residents at Murruŋga, Bodiya, Langarra and Dhipirri.

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