
Crisis Emergency Accommodation

  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Alice Springs Youth Accommodation & Support Services (ASYASS) – Crisis Refuge
    The Crisis Refuge provides safe supported accommodation for young men and women, 15 – 17 years, 7 days a week.

    Accommodation can be provided for one night or up to 3 months.

    During their stay at ASYASS Crisis Refuge, young people will be provided support through case management (where appropriate). Young people will also be supported to;

    • identify and work towards their goals;

    • address their health, education and income needs;

    • develop appropriate life skills

    • (re)engage with family (where appropriate)

    • Access long term accommodation where necessary

    • Attend school or some form of work activity.


    After hours Mobile 0438 534 096

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Alice Springs Youth Accommodation & Support Services (ASYASS) – Youth Housing

    The Youth Housing Program provides semi-independent accommodation (up to twelve months) to young people aged 16 to 24.The ASYASS Housing Program currently manages eight properties located across Alice Springs.

    The housing program offers young people, who are unable to reside with family, through case management, the opportunity to re-engage with education, training or to gain employment, as well as to develop and strengthen the life skills (including living skills) required to establish themselves independently.

    Where appropriate ASYASS also supports and encourages involvement with family.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Borroloola Safe House

    Crisis accommodation is available for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence. Twenty-four-hour contact is available.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    CatholicCare NT – Safe Houses

    CatholicCare NT provides Safe Houses for women and children who are at immediate risk of harm because of family violence.

    How we help

    Our Safe Houses provide an immediate safe place for people escaping family violence. We help families reduce the effects of violence through counselling and support. Our support workers encourage peaceful and non-harmful solutions.

    We know that there are many contributing factors to family violence, so we provide referrals to other services including AOD and family support programs.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Consultation and educational sessions- Regional Combined Therapies

    Our experienced team of trauma informed allied health professionals at Regional Combined Therapies offer personalised sessions for individuals, organisations, carers and families dealing with complex needs. We offer support and up to date information during these sessions relevant to your experiences and questions.

    We know that sometimes living and working with complex needs, can be frightening and frustrating. Our team is experienced in working with families and out-of-home-care organisations to train and develop individual plans regarding topics such as (but not limited to)
    – Vicarious Trauma
    – FASD
    – Family and Domestic Violence
    – Suicidal ideations and behaviours
    – Complex mental health needs
    – Complex phychosocial needs
    – Communication
    – Trauma Informed Practices
    – Cultural Competencies
    -Sexual indenties and behaviours
    – Self care practices and positive mental health care
    – Crisis Intervention and support

    Many carers feel overwhelmed with the complexities surrounding their physical and mental workload when it comes to caring for those with complex needs. Our education sessions are designed to give you the opportunity to talk about your experiences, ask the questions that are important to you regarding the individual and their plans and learn how to move forward with positive care techniques. Our aim is to help you feel confident in providing positive care for the participants you care for and your care team.

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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Dawn House

    Accommodation Shelter

    Crisis accommodation is available for women with children experiencing or escaping domestic or family violence. Referral to specialist domestic violence counselling is offered. Twenty-four-hour telephone contact is available.

    Domestic Violence Community Education Service

    Provides training & resource support relating to domestic or family violence for government & non-government agencies. Dawn House participates in community development activities that work to reduce the incidence of domestic and family violence.

    Domestic Violence Support

    Provides outreach, assistance, information, advocacy, training, counselling, referral and support for women and children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence. A children’s support worker is available.

    Twenty-four-hour telephone contact is available.


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    Sujay Kentlyn

  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Katherine Women’s Crisis Centre

    Katherine Women’s Crisis Centre (KWCC) is an established and well- known service in Katherine. It provides crisis accommodation and related support services to women and children escaping domestic and family violence across the Katherine region.

    The Centre can support up to 25 people as well as education to women around the cycle of violence and its impact on children, as well as living skills and other practical information.

    KWCC delivers a Critical Intervention Outreach Service (CIOS) to women that have previously utilised the KWCC accommodation services or who have been referred through the Family Safety Framework. This outreach service provides the women with ongoing support and referral.

    KWCC services the following communities in the Northern Territory: Katherine, Mialli Brumby, Geyulkan, Rockhole, Binjari & Werenbun.


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  • This service is claimed by and organisation

    Crisis accommodation Gove provides the highest of client care, confidentiality and support to all women and children experiencing domestic or family violence in an environment that is non-discriminatory, participatory, and culturally respectful.

    The service is committed to promoting the health, wellbeing, and safety of all our clients and their families. A team of Support Workers and a Family & Children Support Worker provide 24/7 assistance.

    Providing education and resources relating to domestic or family violence and involvement in community development activities.

    Provision of support services to women and children who are at risk of or are experiencing domestic or family violence. Advocacy, information, education, referrals to empower women & their families towards self care, and self resilience in community life.’


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  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    One Tree Community Services Inc – Wadeye Safe House

    Based in the Northern Territory (NT) town of Wadeye, Wadeye safe house is the only safe house in the area that provides a 24-hour service, 365 days a year. Wadeye safe house provides emergency accommodation and support for women and children who are experiencing domestic violence. Since opening in 2011, Wadeye safe house has steadily grown from providing crisis accommodation for eight to over 90 women and children per month, from more than 20 clan groups. One Tree aims to empower service users to leave harmful situations through advocacy and to provide women with the skills to become economically and socially independent.

    The Wadeye safe house provides:

    • crisis accommodation;
    • case management;
    • referral services;
    • safety planning using a therapeutic tool designed specifically to work with Indigenous people; and
    • community awareness raising.

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    One Tree

  • This service is claimed by and organisation
    Salvation Army – Alice Springs Men’s Hostel

    This service exists to provide accommodation for homeless men, without discrimination. In the provision of this service we aim to build supportive relationships with our clients in a positive environment in accordance with Christian faith and practice. We aim to empower clients to make lifestyle choices that will enhance their quality of life and assist them to live independently.

    Services provided:

    • Accommodation, meals and support to homeless men
    • Counselling
    • Referrals to appropriate services for assistance
    • Support to clients living in the community

    We have 21 beds for young men over age 18, catering in particular for those with mental health issues. The accommodation is meant to be short-term so we endeavour to help them to find more stable accommodation if they wish to remain in Alice Springs.

    We provide 3 meals a day and provide support through referrals to employment agencies, medical treatment, counselling and the Positive Lifestyle course where it is appropriate.

    Most of the accommodation is single room with shared bathroom facilities. We also have some single rooms with ensuites.

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    Salvation Army

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